Wildstar most fun class
Wildstar most fun class

wildstar most fun class

Spell Slinger - Pros: Good burst damage, great mobility abilities.

wildstar most fun class

Please note that no class is terrible and some work better in certain group comps. Below the list I will explain the pros and cons of each class. I've created a pvp tier list of the classes. If anyone is having issues figuring out what they would like to play, hopefully this will help them. If you can play an Engineer, the rest is up to the player.Crank Tue, 12:39:18 GMT After playing every class up to 10-16, participating in bgs, and reading the entire wildstar forums, I would like to share what I've learned. However, the Scientist provides the same bonus for the Chua, the Cassians, Humans and the Mordesh. For those players who opt for the Mechari, that puts a total of four bots under player control, which is a fun little thrill to have. For one thing it provides a third bot for the pet class, and the Scanbot is a great way to learn about any fight before breaking out the big guns to deal with the problem. The Engineer may not receive a racial bonus, but the Scientist path is a great way to provide some real bonuses and better gameplay to the player. As of right now the level playing field has not changed though, which means that players are choosing their Engineer race based on preference and faction, rather than on a racial bonus. The idea behind this system is that races whose history has made them inherently smarter, like the Mechari and the Chua, would be able to perform better in certain classes like the Engineer. There has been talk about putting together an advancement system to give certain races inherent bonuses to certain classes. As long as the character in question has a high Tech score, then that character will be just as good an Engineer as any other class. The Mechari and Chua are the two thematic choices that make the most sense (the eldritch automatons and the race of genius lunatics respectively), but the Cassians, Humans, and Mordesh are also playable options. Not all races have been given an Engineer class yet, though whether this will remain a permanent decision has yet to be said. If a race can be an Engineer, then that race gets no inherent benefits over others. While the Engineer is pretty impressive, with their powerful exo-suits, robot control and massive hand cannons that can scatter hordes into flaming charcoal, most players are looking for a racial bonus to help them become the best Engineer they can be.įor those players who aren’t used to WildStar’s way of doing things though, there isn’t really a bonus to picking one race over another. Wildstar’s Engineer class is the de factor “pet” class, meaning that they’re the class people play if they want to have minions to do their tanking and damage-per-second for them.

Wildstar most fun class